Affiliate Disclosure

Affiliate Disclosure

FTC Disclosure Requirements:
In 2009, the FTC decided to lightly regulate this business model. They wanted to make sure that users knew about the financial relationship of the site to the products that they link to. In a release to that effect, the FTC mandated that all affiliate links must be clearly disclosed as such.

However, they left it to the discretion of the site owners how this is to be implemented. There was only one guideline – the consumer should be aware of what was happening. Whether it’s a site-wide notice or an individual notice for each affiliate link, the FTC didn’t specify the exact details of how this would happen.

What does this mean for customers of Misfit Farms? Simply put, if you see blue highlighted text that says “click this link” or “follow this link” within the site or a button in the shop page that says “buy now” (see picture below for example), these are affiliate links to sites we partner with to market their products rather than our own. These are products that we have either tried personally or have researched and found they align with our values, and rather than spend the time to design them ourselves (such as the courses or eBooks), we promote these products outside of what we create. It’s a win-win for everyone; they get advertising at a fraction of the cost, we make a small commission for our time, and you get an awesome product endorsed and trusted by multiple companies!

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