

One of our favorite past times on the farm is capturing moments to last a lifetime! Whether it’s snapping photos of our Isopods or recording videos of our animals in motion, it’s always a thrill to see what they will do and sometimes say (ask the argumentative cat or the Labradane who thinks she’s a husky) next!

And if you can’t get enough from our website galleries, be sure to subscribe to all of our social media channels for even more misfit fun! Not convinced you want to be that social with us? Well, what if I said you could win some of our best products just by following us on our channels? Yes! It’s true! We host promotional giveaways on our social media sites that you can only enter on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and Facebook, so like, share, and check back often!


Check out our fun-tastic photo albums!


Enjoy our not-so-professional videos here!

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